Copyright by Lrong Lim
Daffodils presumably originate from Spain and the surrounding area.
It belongs to a group of hardy spring-flowering bulbs, with the botanic name of the genus being called Narcissus.
This greek mythodology character, Narcissus, was renowned for his great beauty.
One version of the mythodology tells us of a nymph, called Echo, who loved him, but could never get his devotion.
Narcissus was riveted to the water's edge, entranced by the beautiful boy he thought he glimpsed within, and she eventually pined away longing for him...
...until nothing was left of Echo but her sad, pleading voice. (source: Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia)
I just received a Christmas card from an 'old' friend that I have never met in my life.
We corresponded as pen-pals in the 70s when email and the internet was still non-existent.
Back then, young Malaysians like myself were very much involved with making friends from the world over.
I had pen-pals from UK, Sweden, Ghana, on top of the few from other parts of Malaysia.
It was an excellent way to improve the English, I must say.
I am so lousy in sending cards. I must apologize to Lucie. Profusely.
Somehow we stopped writing, I think in the late 70s. I was a struggling young man, directionless and more or less, lost as to what to do.
Then, two years ago, I think, I wrote a card to her at the same address.
To my surprise, she responded and we are back in the swing. More or less, that is.
She is now married to a handsome man, and has two good looking kids.
Seychelles is a long way from Japan.
But, I dream some day, my missus and I shall be there to visit her and her family.
Will this just remain a dream?
Meanwhile, here is a pair of daffodils...
beautiful, and fragrant as they are,
trumpeting for you, my dear friend...
Merry Christmas to you and your loved ones...