Been very busy with work lately...
Bitter gourd is standard fare on our dining table...
My sweeto haato specifically says, 'grow the long type and not the stubby type'...
They are quite easy to grow... at this point of time, we have on record a harvest of 54 fruits...
My missus tried to make this dish (known as Yong Tau Foo in Malaysia) and they tasted, yes, bitter... but good...
Pumpkin too, is a staple for us in the summer...
This season, managed to harvest five of them, totaling 8.1 kilos...
Gave one to a neighbor...
I don't know what it is but the yellow pumpkin seeds I bought from Los Angeles some time ago had never given me any good harvest...
After growing to a certain size, they begin to wrinkle away, and eventually, drop off altogether...
So, I decided to just harvest them young, very young...
We had them with the bitter gourd dish above...
Long beans... I love...
They are a very convenient veggie to grow...
You harvest and they keep producing...