Where I live, the petals have almost all fallen off at this point in time...
What's left are some sweet memories and some images taken of the 2007 spring blooms...

This pic of the 'jewel' was taken from a low angle... the previous pic was bit too dark... so, this is sort of a 'revenge' pic...

Yours truly taking a break from working the soil... as can be observed, the sakura tree trunk is quite immense... woaaahh...

Another angle of the same 'jewel'... taken in the early morning hours when the sun was just beginning to smile... at the background are terraced padi fields... they look pretty in any season...

These are yama-zakuras... hill or wild sakuras, if you like... pic was taken from the newly-built sun-deck... I could lay for hours, just gazing at these glorious hillsides...

The house with the red-tiled roof... pic taken from high up the hill slopes... sakuras at foreground are wild ones while the partially hidden 'jewel' is just to the right side of the house...